New Smart Assistant Feature

Control the changes of your business on Amazon 24/7

Respond to threats immediately and don't miss opportunities for growth with 24/7 monitoring and alerts.

Alarma monitors
and notifies on time

Get useful and critical information about changes in your account with the ability to react on the fly

Track more than 50 metrics in real-time. React to changes on the fly from your mobile device.

Track more than 50 metrics in real-time. React to changes on the fly from your mobile device.


Get useful and critical information about changes in your account with the ability to react on the fly.


Instantly react to changes in the product cards, go to a personal account of the seller and make adjustments.

Business notifications

Monitor changes in sales, prevent product shortages, stay ahead of the competition, and analyze budgets and promotions.

Marketing & Service

Respond quickly to feedback and questions, and respond to grades with help of AI.
Respond quickly to feedback and questions, and respond to grades with help af AI
You don't have to watch the store all the time and the market to keep up with everything that's going on.
The app does this for you and sends you notifications on time.


Invite an unlimited number of users and customize the access level for each of them.

Let your employee take care of product management.

Let your employee take care
of product management

You don't have to keep all your business metrics in your head all the time and respond to notifications by yourself.
Give your employee access to some features of your account.

Your employee could act on changes in product cards, make adjustments, and do the sales monitor for you.

Coming soon

Integrate with Slack and Telegram

Integrate with Slack and Telegram

That way you or your customer service and marketing person can answer customer questions quickly.
Set up push notifications on your smartphone. Answer customer questions quickly.

Coming soon

Customizable widgets

Customizable widgets

Monitor critical metrics of your business on the Home Screen of your smartphone quickly.

Monitor critical metrics of your business on the Home Screen of your smartphone quickly.

Ответы на вопросы


How can I connect Alarm to my Amazon Account?

Create an account and grant permission to access your Amazon Seller Central account using the API.
And that, grant permission to access Advertising Sales and Customer Relations via User Permission. If you have any questions please contact us.

Can you track more metrics?

The platform includes more than 50 critical notifications for businesses on Amazon, but if you're missing any notifications, contact us. We'll try to add it.

I’ve got no competitors in my product category. So why do I need Alarma?

Alarma helps you to keep the track of product cards highjackers, site failures, and changes in description or listing graphics at any stage. This way you can always adjust your business strategies quickly and just in the way you need. We help you to stay on top of everything and not to lose money.

How quickly does Alarma track changes?

Any changes are detected as soon as they occur. The monitoring is constant.

How secure is my account?

We guarantee that your data is encrypted and protected. Please see our policies for a detailed explanation.

What makes Alarma unique?

It’s a matter of details.
Alarma is the result of long years of our market monitoring, project development, and sales on Amazon. In Alarma, you can configure access levels for your employees and combine them with messengers and use the widgets.

How can I contact you?

Write to We also have LiveChat, which working in the app.

How to join into an affiliate program?

We welcome experts, bloggers, vendors, and influencers with a loyal audience to participate in our affiliate program. Contact us for more information.

What is included into the free trial?

You have access to all features without restriction during a 14-day free trial period.

What should I do if I have problems with the Alarma mobile app?

Please make sure that you are using the actual version.

What languages does Alarma support?

At the moment Alarma supports eight languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, German, French, Japanese, Hindi, and Russian.

For Influencers and Educators

If you have an audience that could benefit from our product please contact us. We will offer you special terms.

Download Alarma! now